How to Boost Your Instagram Engagement with Hashtags

Whether you’re a self-proclaimed social media guru or just starting to set up shop on instagram, hashtags are an essential tool for boosting your visibility and connecting with your target audience. From finding the perfect tags in your niche to encouraging user-generated content, we’ve got all the top tips and tricks.


The Importance of Hashtags on Instagram


Picture this: you’ve just posted an incredible photo or video on Instagram. It’s visually stunning, witty, and perfectly captures the essence of your brand store on Instagram. But wait, where are all the likes and comments?


This is where hashtags come in to save the day! Instagram shopping for business needs hashtags which are like magical powers that connect you with thousands of users who share similar interests and your posts are then shown to them on the explore tab. This helps in increased visibility. Thus, attracting new followers, and ultimately boost engagement on your posts.

Where to Use Hashtags on Instagram


When it comes to using hashtags on Instagram, you’ve got plenty of places to use them! First up, the most obvious place: your captions. Whether you’re sharing your product photos or a happy customer story, make sure to include relevant hashtags within your caption. This will increase visibility and help your content reach a wider audience.

One popular option is adding them in the comments section of your post. This keeps your caption clean and clutter-free while still allowing you to tap into the power of hashtags. Another clever trick is incorporating them into your Instagram Stories by using the text tool or sticker feature. It’s a simple yet effective way to boost engagement and connect with users who are following those specific tags.


How to Find the Best Hashtags in Your Niche


Competitor Check: See what hashtags your competitors are using by analyzing their posts and use the ones that might work for you.


Instagram Search: The best place to check for hashtags is using the search bar on Instagram. Just type in words related to your posts and discover popular hashtags.


Use research tools: You can use external tools like “Hashtagify”, “best-hashtags” to discover trending and relevant hashtags.

How to Use Hashtags to Promote Your Content

Use Relevant Hashtags


Choose hashtags that directly relate to the content of your post and are likely to be searched or followed by your target audience. This ensures your post reaches people genuinely interested in your content.

Mix Popular and Niche Tags


Use a mix of popular, widely-used hashtags to reach a broader audience, and niche-specific tags that attract your targeted group. This combination helps attract a variety of users who may be interested in your content.

Limit Hashtags Usage


While Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, aim for a moderate number, around 5 to 15, to avoid overwhelming your audience. This ensures your captions remain clean and focused, while still providing enough visibility.

Create a Branded Hashtag


Develop a unique hashtag for your brand or campaigns. Encourage your followers to use it, fostering a sense of community and making it easier to track user-generated content related to your brand.

Encouraging Followers to Use Your Hashtags


Encouraging your followers to use your hashtags can be a game-changer for boosting engagement on Instagram. It not only helps you reach a wider audience, but it also creates a sense of community among your followers.

Few Things to Keep in Mind While Using Hashtags

Avoiding Using Banned Hashtags


Now, before you go wild with hashtags, there’s one crucial thing to keep in mind: banned hashtags. Yes, they exist! These are hashtags that Instagram has deemed inappropriate or spammy. So if you use them in your posts, your content may be penalized or even hidden from the explore page.


To avoid this, always do a quick search to see if any of the hashtags you plan to use are on the banned list. You can easily find this information online or by checking out Instagram’s guidelines. It’s better to be safe than sorry and risk losing visibility for your amazing content!

Don’t Use Repetitive Hashtags


Using repetitive hashtags not only makes your content look boring and unoriginal, but it also hampers your chances of reaching a wider audience. Get creative with your hashtag choices and explore new ones that are relevant to your niche or industry. This way, you’ll attract fresh eyes to your content and potentially gain new followers who might not have discovered you otherwise.

List of few small business related hashtags you can use

#smallbusiness #homedecor
#supportsmallbusiness #instagood
#handmade #smallbusinesssupport
#shopsmall #design
#shoplocal #onlineshopping
#smallbusinessowner #womeninbusiness
#entrepreneur #startup
#business #instagram
#supportlocal #explore
#fashion #giftideas
#love #beauty
#localbusiness #marketing
#explorepage #businessowner

FAQs about Instagram Hashtags

Q1: How many hashtags should I use in my posts?


While you can include up to 30 hashtags in an Instagram post, it’s recommended to use a mix of popular and niche-specific hashtags. Aim for around 10-15 relevant ones that align with your content.

Q2: Can I reuse the same set of hashtags on every post?


It’s best to avoid repetitive hashtags as they may make your content appear spammy. However, you can create a collection of go-to hashtags for different types of posts and switch them up occasionally.

Q3: Should I only use trending or popular hashtags?


Using trending or popular hashtags can help increase visibility, but it’s also important to incorporate niche-specific tags that target your ideal audience.

Q4: What are banned or shadowbanned hashtags?


Banned or shadowbanned (restricted) hashtags violate Instagram’s community guidelines and using them can limit the reach of your posts. To avoid this, research potential hashtag options before including them in your content.



So there you have it – a complete checklist and tips on how to boost your Instagram engagement with hashtags. You need to understand the importance of using relevant tags, optimizing their placement, and you’ll be well-equipped to harness the power of Instagram’s hashtag game!


Remember that while utilizing these strategies is important for increasing engagement on Instagram; building relationships with followers through good content and meaningful  user interactions is equally crucial.

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